Albanian born 55 ,patriot freedom fighter for all,against globalist mafia.always protect nationalism its your country,s identity. its who you are as a nation dont separate people and you will have a powerful people together as one nation.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/INoIFFdUF4nD/ Redacted - Meet your new World Government: The World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty MAY.31.2023,this is why we need white people in office of a white country to govern for the white race only this pathetic sissy ass jewball world wide order and the fact these fucks accept it is pathetic,the new world jewball government is going to fucken hell in a hand basket and there scumbag terrorist banking system,,all immigrant faggot go back to your sissy ass country,s and fight for your rights there stop taking the rights of the white race so you can live in a white country WTF ???? only losers come up with a tittle like that fuck the new world terrorist scumbag jewball order,this band of organized psychopath inbred retards need to be arrested so fucken badly and executed there playing a dangerous game with the white race of god and there losing,they better stop,