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Albanian born 55 ,patriot freedom fighter for all,against globalist mafia.always protect nationalism its your country,s identity. its who you are as a nation dont separate people and you will have a powerful people together as one nation.
Albanian born 55 ,patriot freedom fighter for all,against globalist mafia.always protect nationalism its your country,s identity. its who you are as a nation dont separate people and you will have a powerful people together as one nation.
Dr. David Martin Exposes Timeline Of Biggest Democide In Recorded History Before The EU Parliamnent
STFN - Perhaps THE BEST Video In The History Of The Internet JUN.10.2023
Abandoned NYC (Post Reset Photos)
now this is just one book that the jewball school board is grooming the education system there doing this sexual child predator shit to American kids,this is Jew ball feed world wide and these scumbag jews need to be expelled this is why they are hatted by 105 country,s they are the most sleazy ass demons on earth they use kids in ways that if the planet ever find the real truth as i keep saying these fucks would be wiped off the face of this earth they are playing dangerous world wide games with mankind,by playing these head games with grooming kids there lesbian dyke drag queen trans sickness all jewball crises actors to mock all white country,s,and they say there gods chosen people for what fertilizer perhaps a wood chipper they are the most worthless human scumbags in history of mankind they created nothing but mass world white hate and racism for decades to come,white hate crime Blackrock’s COLLAPSE Just Exploded! It’s All Over... Plandemic 3 The Great Awakening - FULL MOVIE - Mikki Willis Dr fauci the world wide jewball serial killer paid by jewball rabbi,s isreal and massad to murder the white race of god and united states white nationalists they already murdered 20 million GERMANY white nationalists for being white nationalists and not wanting jewball dictatorship natzi shit in there white none natzi country,that is a fucken joke 6 million criminals perhaps because that is all these fucken scumbag jews are good for being world financial bully terrorists, Cancer is a 17 TRILLION Dollar jewball pharmaceutical world wide business,the jews are the scumbags banning the truth there murdering mankind left and right ant they want a anti semetic law terrorists want a anti semetic law this is insanity on steroids,the jews dont want to cure you there sleazy terrorists they want to murder you make money as there doing it then wright books about how they murdered the goyim race,only jews make money on the sick and dying or wars they created all wars they funded both sides like the terrorists they are,and the world still kisses there smelly greedy asses shills to satan forever,these maggots are going to burn in hell forever for what they did to the white race of god that is a fucken promise,there is no way in hell these criminals should be in a white mans country governing the race they are against in the first place WTF ?? Redacted - Meet your new World Government: The World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty MAY.31.2023,this is why we need white people in office of a white country to govern for the white race only this pathetic sissy ass jewball world wide order and the fact these fucks accept it is pathetic,the new world jewball government is going to fucken hell in a hand basket and there scumbag terrorist banking system,,all immigrant faggot go back to your sissy ass country,s and fight for your rights there stop taking the rights of the white race so you can live in a white country WTF ???? only losers come up with a tittle like that fuck the new world terrorist scumbag jewball order,this band of organized psychopath inbred retards need to be arrested so fucken badly and executed there playing a dangerous game with the white race of god and there losing,they better stop, BILL GATES GETS HUMANITY DOWN TO ZERO,this scumbag jewball faggot need the death penalty he is a world wide serial killer murderer killed millions of people all over the world why do we play these fucken games with these jews is criminal there all fucken sick fucks far more sick then Hitler ever was and that was a nasty ass lies from the most filthy ass sleazy ass liars in history the jewball isreali massad world globalist terrorists,financial terrorist bullies and dictators of the world who need to be arrested by every country on earth and put to death,this world wide finical games need to stop,in no way are these criminal racist demon terrorists intellectual to depopulate the planet that is world terrorism and this race of demons need to be told to shut the fuck up they are criminally thee most inbred retards on this planet there only good at being terrorists This Billionaire just DESTROYED America's woke school system | Redacted with Clayton Morris ITS EASY EXPEL THE JEWS FROM ALL WHITE COUNTRY,S IT IS THEM WHO IS GROOMING WHITE NATIONALISTS THERE FUCKING UP THE MINDS OF WHITE RACE CRIMINALLY,GROOMING YOUR KIDS AND ARRESTING WHITE RACE FOR STANDING UP TO THERE RIGHTS THERE FUCKEN CREATED CRIMINAL RACE THEORY THEY CREATED THE JEWBALL SCUMBAG AND THERE OPEN BORDER RACE MIXING POLICY ONLY FOR WHITE COUNTRY,S,,THIS IS DESTROYING YOUR WHITE AMERICA BY JEWBALL TERRORISTS WHO HATE THE WHITE RACE,JEWS DON'T BELONG GOVERNING YOUR COUNTRY OR YOUR WHITE PEOPLE THIS SHOULD BE A WORLD WIDE CRIME,ONLY WHITE RACE SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO GOVERN FOR THERE OWN RACE THERE OWN KIDS WE DON'T NEED NATZI RACIST JEWS GOING AFTER WHITE RACE AND THERE POLITICIANS THERE IS SOMETHING CRIMINALLY WRONG WITH THAT MAFIA POLITICIAN BULLY SHIT
6.9.23: BOOM week happening. Key unlocks DOOR! Arrests lead to AWAKENING? PRAY! if twitter banns white race from speaking there the natzi terrorists who need to be wiped off the face of this earth. for stopping people from telling the truth ,this mass jewball isreali massad ass kissing shill sissy your violating there jewball immigrant criminal racist terrorist policy against the white race.the same scum of the earth who are child rapists banning white men in there own country this faggot sissy ass social sites need to get the fuck out of a white mans country the jews need to get the fuck out of a white mans country or there going to get there asses kicked big time there pushing the white race to there maximum.we protect there terrorist asses and they blame the white race for there terror on earth,
a bad ass is what a bad ass does American and European style
Your account may not be allowed to perform this action. Please refresh the page and try again. this is what the scumbag jewball faggots at twitter are doing banning the planet or banning white people from speaking this criminal terrorist bully shit needs to end or these fucks are going to ask for it big time,not only are the world wide financial bullies they want you to take there wall street stocked patented murder the world shot,they destroyed ever white nations business replaced by jewball owned business this does not help the white nationalists of any nation,your money is backed by jewball owed oil company,s fossil fuels they call it biggest crack head lie in human history there is plenty of it but these rat bastards play this globalist game of global warming its criminally pathetic how these rat scumbags made it this far with out getting wiped off the face of this earth,
Jews in the US government - How is this Possible???