Albanian born 55 ,patriot freedom fighter for all,against globalist mafia.always protect nationalism its your country,s identity. its who you are as a nation dont separate people and you will have a powerful people together as one nation.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ebPy8EW8oDbp/ Plandemic 3 The Great Awakening - FULL MOVIE - Mikki Willis Dr fauci the world wide jewball serial killer paid by jewball rabbi,s isreal and massad to murder the white race of god and united states white nationalists they already murdered 20 million GERMANY white nationalists for being white nationalists and not wanting jewball dictatorship natzi shit in there white none natzi country,that is a fucken joke 6 million criminals perhaps because that is all these fucken scumbag jews are good for being world financial bully terrorists,