Albanian born 55 ,patriot freedom fighter for all,against globalist mafia.always protect nationalism its your country,s identity. its who you are as a nation dont separate people and you will have a powerful people together as one nation.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/OsS3xNwZODX0/ Cancer is a 17 TRILLION Dollar jewball pharmaceutical world wide business,the jews are the scumbags banning the truth there murdering mankind left and right ant they want a anti semetic law terrorists want a anti semetic law this is insanity on steroids,the jews dont want to cure you there sleazy terrorists they want to murder you make money as there doing it then wright books about how they murdered the goyim race,only jews make money on the sick and dying or wars they created all wars they funded both sides like the terrorists they are,and the world still kisses there smelly greedy asses shills to satan forever,these maggots are going to burn in hell forever for what they did to the white race of god that is a fucken promise,there is no way in hell these criminals should be in a white mans country governing the race they are against in the first place WTF ??