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Power grab by WHO
I Want My Bailout Money!
I wrote this song in 2008. Listen to the lyrics and you'll be astonishing how it has all come true in 2022. This money printing / bailout scam has been going on for a LONG time!
@HealthRanger Lots of fun Mike, great song!
@HealthRanger It's a hit! I love the beat and lyrics. I am amazed at all your talents! Is there anything you can't do if you put your mind to it?
@HealthRanger I want a short version for my ring tone!! Come on Mike, that’s too good not to share with the world, at least the world without blinders.
I watched "Above Majestic" (rented it on Amazon) yesterday: it could be quite unnerving if I didn't know the truth behind aliens or DNA perverted creatures. It is so clear what Satan is and has been up to for thousands of years. Matthew 24:37-39 As in the days of Noe (Noah) so shall the coming of the Son of man be. Genesis 6 tells us about the giants which came by way of Angels habitating with women.
The flood came as a result of all the perversion of man and beast (playing with DNA). Steve Quayle has a lot to say on this subject. I don't fear alien take over, I trust my LORD.
No it didn't. It was the breeding of humans with Nephilim. It literal my says that in Genesis
Look at 2 Tim. 3 if you want to know what people will be like in the end times. What I find most disturbing is Rev. 6. The 1st 3 seals line up with what's going down now. #1 conquering and to conquer, #2 peace taken from the earth and men killing one another, #3 famine. Why would they continue to string us along? To keep us settled until their ready. Why does God allow tribulation-to humble us that we might seek Him.
Wouldn't I love some optimism right now but, in reflecting on what the Bible says about these days, I find no place for it. I have been watching the world change according to Biblical teachings for many years. Back in the 70's I watched the bar codes come in and the change to scanning. I thought at the time-this is a move toward the cashless society (Rev. 13). Now the cashless society is around the corner, along with the one world government (Rev. 13).
@hendershani we still don't have the man of purdition
He comes later.
Has anyone heard that President Trump is to speak at 9:00pm E time? Wondering if it's legit. OAN, RSBN, NewsMax
@hendershani If its not a call to fight its static
I find it strange that I just signed up for a Parler account and twice got knocked out for trying to bring up Alex Jones. The third time around they said my account didn't exist. Doesn't make sense.
My bank here in Wisconsin interrupted some services for the past week to bring in digital banking. I don't know of anyone else experiencing interruptions. Is digital happening all over right now?
I'm pondering something. Being older, I have watched the degradation of our nation and sin in general increase. It's the same shock that the generation before me endured. This generation is different though. We are seeing the underworld unveiled. Is that proof that we are in the end times?