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Full story: Explains what monkeypox and aflatoxins have in common (surprise!)
COVID vaccines appear to be making people HYPER sensitive to POX, allergies and food toxins such as aflatoxins

As even Tedros of the W.H.O. now openly discusses, monkeypox primarily strikes gay men who have multiple sex partners. However, there's an aspect of this monkeypox outbreak that isn't yet recognize by…
www.naturalnews.comThe Pentagon just declared it will IGNORE any decisions by the US Supreme Court that it does not like. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin -- a "woketard" traitor to America -- just said that SCOTUS will be ignored and that the Pentagon will find a way to turn US military bases into baby murder centers, no matter what the law says.
Talk about insurrection! By the military, no less!
Here's how you know 100% that people have normalcy bias. Lake Mead is dropping like crazy. By 2027 or so (and maybe a lot sooner), Las Vegas will have ZERO water. What's the value of real estate in a city that has zero water? ZERO.
Yet people keep buying homes there with 30-year mortgages. And banks keep financing them. There will be ZERO value in just five years. Are all these people blind to reality?
Normalcy bias makes people totally blind to the direct evidence around them.
A massive DEATH WAVE will be witnessed later this year among those who took coronavirus vaccines. The vax is "priming" the autoimmune system for a hyperinflammatory reaction that will kill many. These are DEATH shots, not vaccines, in reality. It's all about achieving DEPOPULATION.
Horrific latent deaths predicted among the elderly by genetics professor after immunization with RNA vaccines

PROFESSOR DOLORES CAHILL, PROFESSOR of TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH (FORSCHUNG) AND MOLECULAR GENETICS, School of Medicine, University College Dublin, chairperson Irish Freedom Party, speaking at,…
www.naturalnews.comWouldn't I love some optimism right now but, in reflecting on what the Bible says about these days, I find no place for it. I have been watching the world change according to Biblical teachings for many years. Back in the 70's I watched the bar codes come in and the change to scanning. I thought at the time-this is a move toward the cashless society (Rev. 13). Now the cashless society is around the corner, along with the one world government (Rev. 13).
America is now a banana republic run by thieves and pedophiles, deceivers and crooks. They are mad with power and seek vengeance against half of America. They are treacherous and filled with vile hatred toward fellow Americans. The Left has been radicalized with hatred by the left-wing media for the last four years, and now they want blood.
Source told me today original plan still in place, however timing is uncertain. The chess board battlefield is dynamic. Enemy is also moving pieces and seeking to thwart the white hats, obviously. We must watch and prepare for all outcomes.