One of the greatest challenges for Christians is how to take “nice” conversations to a deeper level that touches the other person’s soul. We can do this by asking great questions.
I. How Are You?
How are you?
What is happening in your life?
What brings joy into your life?
What is the cry in your soul at this time?
II. Who Are You?
Who are you and how did you end up here?
What is your story? You can then tell them your story, and HIS
(Jesus’s) story.
III. What Were the Defining Moments in Your Life?
Have there been DEFINING MOMENTS – turning points in your life
when you gained some new insight or experienced a radical change that changed the direction of your life? What were they?
IV. What Do You Think About God?
When you die and pass into eternity, what do you think you will
experience? How does that make you feel?
What do you think about God? Is He your friend?
How do you see Jesus?
V. How is the Lord Working in Your Life?
Have you ever seen the hand of the Lord in your life or sensed His
presence? What was it like?
How is the Lord working in your life?
Do you believe we can discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit?
VI. What is Your Life Purpose and Calling?
Do you know the Lord’s calling on your life – the unique and special
purpose for which you were created?
Are you fulfilling that calling? If not, what is holding you back?
How can I pray for you?
To God be the glory