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We are not here by chance, but for such a time as this (Esther 4:13-14). We are called, equipped, and sent forth into battle – spiritual battle, to reach the lost with His Truth, Love, and Compassion. We need to start the day on our knees before God, praying and feasting on His Word. Then we are to put on our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6), and go forth to reach those He brings across our path. When we surrender to Christ and seek His guidance, we will see the Holy Spirit work through us, bearing much spiritual fruit and even miracles.
We will only experience His Joy – the joy of the Lord, when we discern His will for our lives and carry it out with gladness in our hearts. So we need to stand strong, be bold, and be courageous. We are to be the man or woman He has called us to be, and speak His Word and His Truth with love and compassion.
Time is short, and He is leading us on a great spiritual adventure. It is truly exciting, it is the most important thing we have ever done in our lives, and we will never be the same.
It is time for us to buckle up, go forth, and enjoy the ride. And then He will bring us home. God loves us more than we can imagine, and He can’t wait to welcome us home through the gates of heaven.
So let us go out with GODFIDENCE, walking and speaking as if God sent us, because He has!
To God be the glory
All indications are that world war is coming, perhaps soon. Just as there were steps leading up to World War I and World War II, there are steps leading up to World War III, and we are seeing them unfold before our very eyes. The military conflicts in Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Middle East, and China/Taiwan are escalating, with little interest in serious peace talks. These military developments were addressed in World War III is Coming, PART I, but many recent developments give A SENSE OF URGENCY to these warnings. We are seeing events unfold that could trigger it at any time, so we need to be prepared.
The acceleration of forces pushing us toward a nuclear war with Russia, what the watchmen and women are telling us (from the Lord), and how we can prepare for these crucial developments that threaten our very existence are covered in this blog post - see World War is Coming, PART II (
In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord. As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.
This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek the Truth. You won’t want to miss it.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.
War is coming to America unless we as the people of America repent and cry out to our Lord for mercy. Just as there were steps leading up to World War I and World War II, there are steps leading up to World War III, and we are seeing them unfold before our very eyes.
This blog post will focus on one of the most pressing issues in the world now - the Russian – Ukrainian war, its spread to the West, and how to prepare. To gain insight into what is coming soon and how to prepare, take a look at World War III is Coming – PART I (
In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord. As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.
Finally, there was much speculation about the eclipse that took place earlier this year. For a report on what really happened on that day, click here (
This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek the Truth. You won’t want to miss it.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.
One of the greatest challenges for Christians is how to take “nice” conversations to a deeper level that touches the other person’s soul. We can do this by asking great questions.
I. How Are You?
How are you?
What is happening in your life?
What brings joy into your life?
What is the cry in your soul at this time?
II. Who Are You?
Who are you and how did you end up here?
What is your story? You can then tell them your story, and HIS
(Jesus’s) story.
III. What Were the Defining Moments in Your Life?
Have there been DEFINING MOMENTS – turning points in your life
when you gained some new insight or experienced a radical change that changed the direction of your life? What were they?
IV. What Do You Think About God?
When you die and pass into eternity, what do you think you will
experience? How does that make you feel?
What do you think about God? Is He your friend?
How do you see Jesus?
V. How is the Lord Working in Your Life?
Have you ever seen the hand of the Lord in your life or sensed His
presence? What was it like?
How is the Lord working in your life?
Do you believe we can discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit?
VI. What is Your Life Purpose and Calling?
Do you know the Lord’s calling on your life – the unique and special
purpose for which you were created?
Are you fulfilling that calling? If not, what is holding you back?
How can I pray for you?
To God be the glory
One of the greatest tragedies of all time is the many people who believe they are going to heaven when they die, but end up in the Lake of Fire. Here are four warning signs, and relevant Bible passages:
Warning Sign #1: UNIVERSALISM
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
Warning Sign #2: UNFORGIVENESS
“If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15
Warning Sign #3: UNREPENTANCE
“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8
Warning Sign #4: LUKEWARMNESS
“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:14-16
So let us reach out to those who come across our path with the love and truth of Christ, for life is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
To God be the Glory
I had a dream that I died and was standing trial before God in heaven. Satan recited the many sins I committed throughout my life, and my heart broke as I realized how many people I had harmed.
I pleaded guilty, knowing my fate was sealed if justice was to prevail. Just before sentencing, Jesus advanced and told the judge that He paid the price for my sins with his death on the cross. My heart leaped at the reprieve for my many sins.
God then announced all charges were dropped, and welcomed me into the Kingdom of Heaven. I experienced a joy beyond my ability to describe.
THIS is going to happen to you and to me. Each of us has a future date when we will stand before the God in Heaven, where ultimate justice is dispensed.
Satan will describe all the sins we have committed in our life, and we will be asked to respond. Finally, God the Father will ask if there is anyone who will speak on our behalf. Only Christ is qualified, and then only for those of us who received Him as Savior BEFORE WE DIED.
So let us reach out to those who come across our path with the love and truth of Christ, for life is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
Source of image:
To God be the Glory
I recently met a fellow who described himself as “a recovering Christian” (like a recovering alcoholic). Raised in the church, he described two experiences that drove him away.
While enrolled at a Christian university and playing baseball, the coach caught him smoking pot. Although he pleaded for mercy from the college administrators, they refused and expelled him.
Secondly, he mentioned homeless people sleeping in church alcoves with locked doors. He quoted Jesus who said inasmuch as you did not give food, water, or shelter to the least of these, you did not give to Me. So he left Christianity because of the traumatic ending of his college and baseball career, and the gap between what Jesus said and what he has seen in churches.
At this juncture, a homeless man chimed in. He told the homeowner that the true church is not an organization with buildings, but an organism with members from all countries who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. He advocated focusing on Christ who alone can set us free from sin and the fear of death.
Everyone is experiencing some struggle unknown to us, even if they say everything is "fine". So let us reach out to them with the love and truth of Christ, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
To God be the glory
Mark Peterson
As you know, this is the day for us to pause from our daily lives to reflect on and remember those who died for our country. And thank you to all of you who served our country in the military, and your spouses, for the service you have rendered to our country. We enjoy freedoms today because of your willingness and that of your colleagues to put your life on the life to protect our nation.
“Mansions of the Lord” is a majestic and compelling hymn that honors those who lost their lives in service to our country. You can see it performed by the West Point Band and West Point Glee Club here ( You can follow along with the lyrics:
Mansions of the Lord
To fallen soldiers let us sing
Where no rockets fly nor bullets wing
Our broken brothers let us bring
To the Mansions of the Lord
No more bleeding, no more fight
No prayers pleading through the night
Just divine embrace, Eternal light
In the Mansions of the Lord
Where no mothers cry and no children weep
We will stand and guard though the angels sleep
All through the ages safely keep
The Mansions of the Lord
Our nation faces many grave challenges, so let us pray that our leaders will make wise decisions, to keep us safe and from harm.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson
Education is Not THE ANSWER –
Two Incredible Stories
Source of image: unknown
Is education important? Of course. But it is not THE ULTIMATE ANSWER to the many challenges facing our nation. See these incredible stories:
The Einsatzgruppen in Nazi Germany
In 1939, Nazi Police Chief Heinrich Himmler created the Einsatzgruppen to eliminate suspected enemies, and they killed over 50,000 Poles. Himmler recruited highly educated Germans to lead the Einsatzgruppen, with OVER HALF OF THE EINSATZGRUPPEN LEADERS HAVING PH.D.S.
From Prison to Street Ministry
The THIRD time he was in prison, Craig Marlatt met a preacher who preached the Word of God, and he came to the Lord. After prison, he started a coffee house in the Orlando, ministering to drug addicts, prostitutes, and street people. He wrote books, and recorded Christian songs that inspire people to live lives of honesty, virtue, and service.
These stories demonstrate that education, while important, can be used for good or evil, and that our Lord will use ANYONE who is yielded to His Holy Spirit.
When Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly,” he meant a life expressing the highest and best, a life of service to God and to mankind.
So let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, that we may discover God’s calling upon our lives and experience the abundant life – the life of joy that He promises to all who follow Him.
What Do YOU Bring To The Table?
Non-profit organizations, when considering prospective board members, ask: “What do they bring to the table?”
Here is how different age groups answer that question:
• BABIES, created in the image of God, inspire awe, wonder, and love.
• CHILDREN contribute curiosity and excitement as they encounter the world,
• YOUNG PEOPLE contribute energy and promise for the future.
• MIDDLE AGE PEOPLE contribute knowledge and skills in work, dedication, and commitment to family.
• SENIOR ADULTS contribute experience and wisdom to shed light on life events.
Healthy, Godly societies and communities recognize the critical contributions each group can make, and support and protect them.
And Jesus:
• invited His disciples to breakfast,
• invites us to dine with Him, and
• gave Himself on the cross to save us for eternity.
Jesus said we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, our souls, and our minds, and love our neighbors as ourself.
So let us go forth with boldness and courage to reach others, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
To God be the glory,
While there has been a great deal of media attention to the eclipse coming on Monday, much less attention is given to the spiritual dimensions and implications of the eclipse.
Messages from several watchmen and women have not only declared that the eclipse is a major warning to America to repent, but that a biological attack is planned for those who gather to watch the eclipse. This is very serious and includes a warning to stay inside rather than place you and your family in harm’s way. You can see these messages here,
In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord. As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.
This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson

While there has been a great deal of media attention to the eclipse coming on Monday, much less attention is given to the spiritual dimensions and implications of the eclipse. Messages from several…
Now, when our nation and people are facing judgment from God, we need to repent of our sins and seek the Lord for protection and guidance, because:
1) God is a holy, righteous, and jealous God; unrepentant people worship another god.
2) Unrepentance drowns out the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. We lose our ability to discern what is from the Lord.
3) Repentance frees us from the bondage of sin and death, while unrepentance keeps us in slavery.
4) Conviction from the Holy Spirit is our friend, a warning we are straying off the narrow path.
5) Unrepentance pollutes our witness to others. Unconfessed sin sends mixed messages about Christ.
6) Unforgiveness is a powerful example of unrepentance. If we don’t forgive others, God will not forgive us of our sins.
7) Unconfessed sin is a cancer to our souls, and we need to get rid of it before it takes over completely.
8) There is no sin in heaven. Dying to self and living for Christ, is
the entrance fee to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Lord is sending us into the front lines of the great spiritual battle for the souls of men and women. But we can only do this if we are spiritually clean, have our spiritual armor on, and are in touch with the Holy Spirit.
So let us repent, forgive, and go forth with the love and truth of God, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
To God be the glory
When we receive Christ, we become indwelt with the Holy Spirit and can experience three heavens. When we repent of our sins and get into the Word of God and prayer each morning, we can commune with our Lord in the third heaven, where God resides on His throne, with Jesus Christ on His right side.
Our Lord teaches, convicts, and loves us, then sends us to reach the souls who are headed for the Lake of Fire.
Then we can enter the second heaven – the realm of angels, demons, and spiritual warfare, where we can:
• Ask our Lord to bind the demonic forces harassing us and our loved ones,
• Plead the blood of Jesus over our family and friends,
• Ask our Lord to touch their lives of particular individuals, our leaders, and the lost.
Now we go out into the world (the first heaven) to carry out the Great Commission.
If we don’t spend time with our Lord in the third heaven, we won’t have anything supernatural to share with others. If we don’t do spiritual battle in the second heaven, we will be in enemy territory without armor, vulnerable to spiritual attacks.
And if we don’t know God’s calling on our life, we will live in the first heaven, missing out on the joy and salvation of the Lord.
So let us go forth with the truth and love of Christ and witness to all whom the Lord brings across our path, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
Romans 5:1-2
1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Faith and hope
Peace and joy
Past (justified)
Present (have access)
Future (hope is faith working for expected outcome)
Good thoughts!
The pace of change is accelerating, with critical events now underway that will change our nation and our lives forever. How can we survive, and what can we do to prepare – for life here and into eternity?
Satan, the master deceiver, has set many traps to ensnare us into his nets and take us down to the Lake of Fire. Some of these traps (and upcoming events) are war on our soil, crash of the dollar (Project Sandman), famine, pestilence (new viruses), the vax, the coming three days of darkness, trust in our corrupt politicians and government, and perhaps the eclipse coming in April.
To gain insight into what is coming soon and how to prepare, take a look at Time Is Almost Up (
In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord. As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.
This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

The pace of change is accelerating, with critical events now underway that will change our nation and our lives forever. How can we survive, and what can we do to prepare – for life here and into e…
Life in the SpiritBeing entrusted with a valuable and special gift is a tremendous honor, one not to be taken lightly. So you won’t want to miss seeing these four stories of Carrying a Precious Gift:
To God be the glory

Story #1 There was once a great king who wished to send an invaluable and precious gift to a distant kingdom. So he chose a young man who was swift of foot, with a sound mind and loyal heart to car…
Dear Friends:
These are tumultuous times, with many ominous threats on the horizon for this new year of 2024. So how can we live in this perilous environment and still have peace of mind and joy in our hearts?
In John 10:10, Jesus describes how He came that we may have AN ABUNDANT LIFE: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
The following are seven keys that I have found that enable us to live an abundant, Spirit-filled life. These keys are not merely interesting; they put us on the narrow path which takes us to heaven. They can open our hearts, minds, and souls to a vibrant life where we can live lightly and freely. And they may save your life.
Here they are: Seven Keys to an Abundant, Spirit-filled Life
Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous and walk with the Lord.
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.

Walking With the Lord These are tumultuous times, with many ominous threats on the horizon for this new year of 2024, relating to our economy, national security, and war, to name just a few. And th…
Life in the Spirit