What Do YOU Bring To The Table?
Non-profit organizations, when considering prospective board members, ask: “What do they bring to the table?”
Here is how different age groups answer that question:
• BABIES, created in the image of God, inspire awe, wonder, and love.
• CHILDREN contribute curiosity and excitement as they encounter the world,
• YOUNG PEOPLE contribute energy and promise for the future.
• MIDDLE AGE PEOPLE contribute knowledge and skills in work, dedication, and commitment to family.
• SENIOR ADULTS contribute experience and wisdom to shed light on life events.
Healthy, Godly societies and communities recognize the critical contributions each group can make, and support and protect them.
And Jesus:
• invited His disciples to breakfast,
• invites us to dine with Him, and
• gave Himself on the cross to save us for eternity.
Jesus said we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, our souls, and our minds, and love our neighbors as ourself.
So let us go forth with boldness and courage to reach others, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
To God be the glory, LifeintheSpirit.net