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Christian, life long entrepreneur, cattle rancher & publisher and loving every minute of it!
“Earth’s Earliest Ages” by George Pember
Pember discusses much about Spiritism as it developed through the ages.....his book was published in 1800’s, but the occult has typically sought vegans and chastity as primary vehicles of channeling devils. Apparent connection is drawn from Gods allowance of carnivorous diet after Noah exited the Ark.
But now?.....3D meat is NOT meat, friend
Read Online Earths Earliest Ages and Download Earths Earliest Ages book full in PDF formats.
bibleandbookcenter.comThree World Ages?
Say What?
@szutavern @Zadak7
Shepherds Chapel (Arnold Murray)
1. As a rule, I don’t listen to him.
2. He’s entitled to believe what he wants.
3. I reject pre-existence of human soul (Augustine taught it).
3. I reject that all humans are Gods children (John 1:12).....so did Jesus (John 8)
4. God is replacing fallen angels w/ redeemed Christians.
5. Earths re-creation in Genesis is a type (picture) of salvation (2 Cor. 4:6)
6. Earths ages is Bible Doctrine, along with (7) covenants, (7) dispensations