- Christian
- Publisher
- Cattle Rancher
- OnTrendprenuer
- Looking for Opportunities
Christian, life long entrepreneur, cattle rancher & publisher and loving every minute of it!
I had a really great interview with Tom Hughes of "Hope For Our Times." We discussed End Times, the Tribulation, preparedness, demonic possession and much more. He gets it!
MIKE MIKE MIKE Love you man
watch out brother what I am about to post COULD BE THE, THE MOST IMPORTANT INFO EVER. Yes it IS that Big and Important.
The False Christ comes at the 6th Trump
The Real Christ comes at the 7th Trump
The difference is EVERYTHING
Ask Steve Q
Want to learn the truth right from the WORD itself, try this Koren War Vets Bible Study on this subject. NOBODY KNOWS THE WORD BETTER.. NO ONE, NO NOT ONE
Prayer for you and your followers on this subject... ran out of room so had to post an image