Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
The more I post, the more I notice fewer people following me. Why is that? especially on Brighteon? Also, on Twitter, @ExposeAllEvil had nearly 2000 followers, now it is down to 850. That tells me demons are making a serious impact in the lives of the Godless and uneducated. DVoted2Christ was my other handle that is totally banned. I'm noticing I have less respect for people who still use Facebook and Twitter. I was censored for posting ~deepstatecriminals.com so I reposted this image:
It must've confused the bots because it's still up.