Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
Tea Party Tea Party Command Center
Sen. Dick Durbin Opposes Tough Punishment for Child Pornographers
How can the democrat communists oppose this? It makes no sense. I can only conclude that these nasty communist politicans in Congress are sick...really, really sick people.
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@tim “people” a term used loosely....
@tim The only people who protect pedophiles are pedophiles themselves. That’s the only thing that makes sense. We now have one on the Supreme Court.
...and they don't seem to care that we know. Meanwhile, they are pushing to get us involved in war with Russia for many different reasons. It makes me wonder if we've been paying for the 1% all this time. We desperately need term limits in Congress and need to ensure they are not corrupt and accept bribes.