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Bible believing Christian. Walking by faith in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
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Bible believing Christian. Walking by faith in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
You can also find my video content on Brighteon at:
@Brighteon Since Google play store doesn't play nice with uncensored apps you could create an a Brighton Social app and make it available through "F-Droid" app store instead.
Thank you for all of the hard work and dedication.
"Trust the science."
@Kilmister Yes, and that psychopath is the master of it!!!
There has not been a whole lot of new news coming out for the past few days. Seems like a calm before the storm.
It's cold here this morning -8 deg F. The rabbits made it through the night. Goats hopefully are doing good, still need to go out and check them. Chickens are good too. Any eggs laid today will end up frozen if they are not gathered immediately after they are laid. Sometimes they freeze so hard that they crack the shell.
‘Nobody f**ks with a #Biden,’ Joe tells Florida voter on hot mic

“That’s goddamn right,” the man said in response to Joe’s comment. (Article by Kelen McBreen republished from NOW – Biden says “no one f***s with a Biden.” —… how about a Brandon?
#Studies: Vitamin C helps maintain healthy vision as you age

A study published in the journal Ophthalmology has found that vitamin C can help support healthy vision as you age. The researchers worked with 5,638 volunteers in India who were aged 60 and older. According…, I see her just fine.
@NaturalNews Of course my eye doctor said that vitamins and minerals have ZERO effect on the eyes! That was the day that I knew that doctor was completely ignorant of nutrition and holistic health!
If even Harvard is saying it, you might want to listen

Could it be that covid “vaccines” are the real death sentence, and not “covid” itself? New research out of Harvard University suggests exactly that. The paper, which was compiled by researchers from both…
newstarget.comDr. #JudyMikovits warns #COVID #vaccines causing huge increase in #cancer cases

Dr. Judy Mikovits warned that cancer rates have been on a rapid rise since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines were rolled out. The elites, however, are blaming this increase in cancers on other…‘The Blackout’ is The Means to Bring About The Great Reset

Image courtesy U2/YouTube/Vevo ( By Stan Szymanski …’ Statues fall, democracy is flat on its back, Jack We had it all, and what we had is not coming back,…
www.encouragingangels.orgYen Disintegrates Below 145 After BOJ Decision As Traders Call Japan's Intervention Bluff | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comStarted reading Alex Jones book about the great reset last night. Pretty informative and interesting so far. It's available on Scribe app with a subscription
@holistic that's really not good.
This is such a drawn out slow boil collapse. Is there every going to come a moment when it's like hitting the brakes on a car, or like when a plane is headed towards the earth, engines have failed and then sudden impact. Or will this continue to just get bad slowly. I think that it would be easier to absorb the shock if it just happened suddenly, than for this to slowly continue into collapse. This gives more time for the evil controls to put more control mechanisms in place and make adjustments as needed for their benefit. Either way, it is getting harder everyday to make money do the same work, or even the necessary work that I need it to do. Prepping is no longer about purchases since there is no extra money to make them with. It is just about using what we have in order to build and maintain the things that we already have. I believe that there is a God almighty and he will help.
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!
@walkingintruth What’s the name of it?
Wait a minute...JOKE LOADING....
#internet is has been down at work for hours. Not sure why.
#ATF forces millions of #gun owners to register their guns, much to their chagrin

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is about to force millions of gun owners to register their pistol braces as short-barreled rifles, which will be regulated by the National Firearms…