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Truth seeker, Librarian
Truth seeker, Librarian
Do the Stars Sing Praises to God?
Neil Oliver: ‘Are you ready for this?!?’
a world where the truth is nothing more than whatever the powerful say it is…..
Incredible Health Benefits of NAC ( N-Acetyl Cysteine)
PSA: How To Get Your Kids In School Without Getting All The Vaccines Pushed On Children In America
UPDATE: BlackRock Pulls Ad Featuring Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks
Says he was an unpaid student in the background. Would the Screen Actors Guild allow that?

The world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, has pulled down an ad that momentarily featured Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks in the background.
The Gateway PunditBREAKING: Jonathan Willis, the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally, has informed the public that he had the assassin in his sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perpetrator.
They prevented him from stopping the assassin before he took shots at President

BREAKING: Jonathan Willis, the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally, has informed the public that he had the assassin in his sights for at least 3 minutes, but the…
x.comSaw a great bumper snicker last week:
“I consider myself nonBidenary”
And yet, no ID for voting…..
Four days after German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack released his final video on graphene hydroxide, he was seized by a sudden unexplained attack that caused paralysis, weakness, profound disorientation (like he was drunk), and collapse with loss of breathing.
The media suppressed discussion of Dr. Andreas Noack’s dire warning as well as his suspicious passing.
In his final video he described the graphene hydroxide nanoscale structures as razor blades that are not biologically decomposable.
Some physicians and others who are health freedom advocates have been loathe to discuss any presence of graphene hydroxide or graphene oxide, to the point that other freedom advocates have been censored when attempting to bring up the subject of graphene oxide/hydroxide.
There is more in this article - read to the end…….
This would not be the first time that Dr. Noack was attacked prior to his unexpected death, as he was assaulted by police the year before during live filming...
America Out Loud News@Eyeswideopen
You are on the ball!! I still tell people about this! I never realized how much people just don't care!! But they will!!
A convention of the states will just provide a venue for the Dems to get rid of the Constitution. They will find a way to f### everything up.
Detox nano info from 2019
Borax and apple cider vinegar
Found this comment : “ I remember that video. I think that's the person who now advocates nano-silver and Borax orally. I don't know what has been produced in the way of evidence that it works. I would like to find out though.”
I spent 23 minutes in HELL". The man who went to HELL W/ Bill Wiese
On November 23rd, 1998, Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it would continue to captivate the world for over a decade. Bill shares his terrifying experience as described in his book, "23 Minutes in Hell." This powerful message will change your life! Not only will Isaiah Saldivar be interviewing him, but we will also be answering common questions like, Are people in hell right now? Is hell a literal place? Why aren't the demons themselves in torment? Isnt preaching hell a scare tactic? Didn't Jesus preach love and acceptance? Do we have a body in hell or are we a spirit? How does seventy years of sin deserve an eternity in hell? Am I going to HELL? & more
What the heck is really going on with the border?
Everyone needs to watch this video - open gates along the border….

Everyone needs to watch this video! #Texas @Allenma15086871 @11DarkKnight11 @AtRealBen @WeAreWoke1776_3
Abbott has help infilitrate over 100,000 illegals to major cities at the cost to Texans. Most being Military age men! Enough men to over run any city! So have enough men come across? Or did the pressure on him get to the point he had to close down shop? Going to war is bad enough but following a fake leader would be suicide!
@Eyeswideopen Biden liable for children murdered by both illegals and fentanyl flowing freely and tainting other drugs.
We need unified outrage over Biden endangering us all and the dead having no voice.
Iranian illegal alien warns about the border invasion
Great interview!
Good video BUT! trump was also busing illegals away for the border while he was telling us it was secure. Just not near as many! And of course they are all military age men. And abbott is shipping them where they need to go while playing his part!
Osage Nation prevails in court battle against European green energy barons.
Judge orders removal of operating wind farm that was opposed by Osage Nation even before its construction.

Judge orders removal of operating wind farm opposed by Osage Nation even before its construction.
legalinsurrection.comCan You Be Counted On?
“ Can you be counted on? That is the question we quietly ask others. It is the question good people ask themselves. And I suspect that it is a question the Almighty will pose when we stand before Him to be judged.
It is a question that has nothing to do with intelligence or talent. It is a question that has nothing to do with one’s ancestry or station in life. Yet it is the most important question when danger comes, time is short, and everything is on the line. When you say, “I will hold this position,” can others put their lives in your hands? When you give someone your word, do you treat it as a solemn duty? When you make God a promise, can He count on you?”
Can you be counted on? That is the question we quietly ask others. It is the question good people ask themselves. And
Conservative PlaybookTucker Carlson's Biggest Concern Heading Into 2024
The Telegraph Publishes A Story Warning Over 6 Billion People Could Die In A Year If We 'Just Stop Oil' - How The 'Green Agenda' Is Leading To Mass Murder, Mayhem And Catastrophe
Deagel says we will have 99 million people in the US by 2025!!
It is interesting that when I first saw Deagle years ago, they had the US at only 65 million people in 2025. I wonder if the increase is due to illegals?