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"My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge" (God's)
When Would The World (NOT) Be Expecting Jesus Christ ? >> If They "Believed" Christ Was Already Here!! (666) Comes Before (777) >> AUTHOR: GOD!
"My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge" (God's)
When Would The World (NOT) Be Expecting Jesus Christ ? >> If They "Believed" Christ Was Already Here!! (666) Comes Before (777) >> AUTHOR: GOD!
"GAZA SHALL BE FORSAKEN" ........... And It's Happening Right Before Your Eyes! This 2nd "Earth-Age" (Flesh) Is Rapidly Coming To A "Close! BIBLE 101
"HIS" Real 7000 ...
BREAKING NEWS: Russia Issues Press Statement Incriminating the WHO and American Pharma Companies
"Facts of world-scale corruption around American Pharma companies have been justified were the decisions of the WHO to force their (vaccine) certification at the global level."

"Facts of world-scale corruption around American Pharma companies have been justified were the decisions of the WHO to force their (vaccine) certification at the global level."
karenkingston.substack.comMy family will not starve. Everything I planted is organic, non-gmo, heirloom, no pesticides. If nothing else is heard I am a 64 year old mother, grandmother and great grandmother with heart and lung issues; if I can do this to protect and feed my family in times of trouble anyone can. I hunt, fish too. I am my father's tomboy, he taught me a lot. He taught me the only way a women makes it in this world is to be smart and tough and I thank him for it so much. I thank God for everything thing including giving me to the parents who raised me. There are no victims in my family, we learned from every hardship we have ever had. He had no sons, I was greatful to have the opportunity to step into that position. Now is the time for real women to show this stinking world what a women is, she the glue that holds it all together, especially when her family can't.
BOOM - SEC charges 11 people in massive crypto Ponzi scheme called "Forsage," which the SEC says operated as a classic Ponzi structure, just camouflaged with words like "blockchain" and "cryptocurrency."
The criminal indictments are starting to land hard and heavy against crypto promoters. And Bloomberg did a big article exposing all the celebrities who pimped failed crypto schemes, including Matt Damon. (
I'd imagine a whole lot of crypto promoters are hitting DELETE across their social platforms right now... this could get ugly as the central banks wage total war on the crypto industry.
I know where Anthony Fauci was for 3 weeks. The biggest war criminal of our time took a few weeks off from destroying the world and got himself a face-lift. Take a look at the recent footage of him then look at the older clips. I guess even the most evil psychopathic bastards need to look good between stages of mass murdering humanity.
Want To Actually "Learn" The Word Of GOD ? Your "Choice"!
A Word To The Wise!
SATAN's Downfall >> Listen and "Learn"! (Your Choice)
"ANCIENT" AMERICA >>> "They" Were Here Long Before "Columbus" !!
A Word To The Wise!
An AMAZING video we're passing along, very impactful. Share everywhere:
108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure…
This is a GREAT tactic. Americans need to replicate this across all the US school districts and get the DEMONS out of our schools!
"Members of Scottsdale Unified School District served surety bonds of $1 million EACH over child abuse, segregation, inappropriate materials"

As parents around the country increasingly become fed up with left-wing hacks running school boards, more are beginning to take action against board members who refuse to listen to reason and respond to…
www.naturalnews.com An Extremely Important Lesson >> GOD Identifies The "Kenites" As Satan's "Offspring"! Listen and "Learn"!
A Word To The Wise! "RUSSIA" And All Her "Friends" Are Going Down > Author: GOD! SATAN Shows Up In The 6th "Trump"!
A Word To The Wise!