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Very easy going fun to be with, does not take myself too seriously well liked by friends and acquaintances like to play poker, board games very sociable and funny! romantic & passionate.
Trump is my president.
Patriot for life.
Very easy going fun to be with, does not take myself too seriously well liked by friends and acquaintances like to play poker, board games very sociable and funny! romantic & passionate.
Trump is my president.
Patriot for life.
Folding lies, upon lies, All set up by dems, counterfeiters, can't let go of their false Flags even when they are full of holes sinking the ship.
"Believing is seeing. (When you believe it you BEGIN to see it, become it.) I AM what I AM NOW becoming." Kat Miller
Elon Musk exposes secret government agency. His reaction to his life being in danger.
This is an obscene violation of American territorial sovereignty.

An explosion was seen in the skies over Montana just hours after news reports noted that a Chinese spy balloon was spotted over the state's sensitive military installations on Friday. According to reports,…
www.naturalnews.com1976 swine flu quaxxine propaganda (because most people have a goldfish's memory when remembering history). "The vaccines are safe, easy to take, and they can protect you":
Please pray Not for the approximately 5,000 plus who are dead, they’re the fortunate ones. Pray for the thousands living who are in mourning, those hundreds suffering a slow, agonizing death who are trapped under the rubble. Pray for the wounded who outnumber the dead by hundreds, if not thousands, because they probably will not receive the medical attention they need. Pray for those who escaped the earthquake’s devastation because most are homeless now, it’s winter there, and many will no doubt starve or become sick as they drink polluted water and are exposed to the unsanitary conditions caused by dead bodies, no running water, and no toilets. As we prepare for superbowl sunday ‘funday’, remember those who have no hope. Please pray
Was the document scandal meant to take our eyes off china or is the spy balloon meant to take our eyes off byedin?
Look this way! No, look this way!
Food shortages
Political scandals
Cyber attacks
Energy shortages
They want us exhausted mentally and so desensitized that we will not care when they take us over
Some GOOD News for a Change!! Good things are happening! We could really use a win.
Major U.S. Corps. Leasing Food storage facilities UNDERGROUND in Massive Area....with Trains....
How come everyone who has been on the Damar Hamlin ‘is dead train’, hasn’t even mentioned about his talking at press meeting about what happened to him and thanking everyone??? It was covered several times and this morning on Epoch Times.
Prediction over the future:
as soon as people will start having gastro-intestinal problems because they eat bugs, they will be told they have celiac disease instead.
Let's see if I am a clarvoyant!
Happy to be here! I work with an organization that provides education in the regenerative health space - we are currently running several amazing programs with Drs. Judy Mikovits and Tracey Stroup. There are both live and self paced courses available here:

ODEM is transforming the way we learn, work and grow on a global scale. ODEM provides everything you need to choose a path, get an education and get hired.
odem.cloudI just donated to Megan Walsh's GiveSendGo because CPS has taken her kids. She is speaking up against her demon father John Walsh of America's Most Wanted which is actually a child trafficking CPS front.
Everywhere we turn, people and organizations that we thought were good and trustworthy, are actually foxes disguised as helpful roosters in the hen house.
Where is The Republican Leadership In Georgia???????? We Need To Address Voter Integrity and The Fraud That Keeps Occurring. Rafael Warnocjk iS A MARXIST WHO VOTED WITH BIDEN 100% of The Time. Herschel Walker Is A Patriot Yet There Seems To Be The Need For A Run-Off??? Does Not Make Logical Sense!!!!!!!!
Where's Mike Adam's election day coverage?
Grounding technique. If you’ve never tried it, you’re missing out.
Go outside and find yourself a nice comfy patch of soft grass or ground, take your shoes off and stand quietly for about 15-20 minutes. When you do this, you release negative energy from the body, down into the earth, and the earth returns positive energy back into your body. I started doing this a couple of months ago, and it really helps when my anxiety acts up. Try it. You might like it
I figure I’ll shave off the beard after I successfully complete a mall Santa gig….IF Christmas is even allowed to happen this year! We’ll be celebrating The Reason for the season, regardless!