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Christian mom who loves God, husband, children, animals and gardening in that order.
Christian mom who loves God, husband, children, animals and gardening in that order.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND NAMELY CHILDREN UNDER THE WHITE HOUSE. Trump was only informed of these horrific crimes on January 26th. Both Melania and Trump cried after seeing pictures of this. It's coming out, and this is what the globalist cabal has been hiding!
We are praying for you Texas, stay strong!
What happened to all the protesting? Was it an allusion? Did I dream all these patriots wanted to support and defend their Country? Mike Adams can organize enough people right here to get something going. He won't. He is all TALK. He is a prepper salesman and will hideout on his ranch, informing everyone of how the communist has taken over our County. It's over folks. Better get some storable food; Jesus would want you to.
Oh loving the TOR!
@Charlie I can’t figure it out. I’m computer inept
Oh loving the TOR!
@Charlie I can’t figure it out. I’m computer inept
Big things are coming for this big state, we believe. #TEXIT #LetTexansVote

For decades, many Texans have contemplated life as a citizen of their own country, but it was the election theft of 2020 and a combination of other factors that finally inspired several people in the Lone…
newstarget.comToday is the last day I can stop my phone from updating. I hoped we would hear arrests were being made, good guys were winning, the EBS was going to go off, today is the day I give up that hope. Why were we lied to? Why tell us "We got 'em!" "They are all going down"'s all so sad. Today was my last day of hope. It was all a lie, "sigh"
How about we start a Federal "Tax Boycott" for a set time in the future? If we could get 100 million or more of us to agree at the same time, how would they enforce their Bull Shit laws on us? I mean, in the end, WE are funding the bastards! Cut them off like we would a mean drunk in a bar! What do you all think? Let's cut them off on the funding with OUR hard earned dollars!
Anyone know when this was from???
After this weekend, I am more torn and skeptical than ever. 1 major thing. The vaccine. While on one side the Trump administration was saying 100% but lots of people are saying they're unsafe. Has anyone asked Trump or the administration about this? I support Trump but not the Vaccine.
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners - Official Documents
Saturday, January 23, 2021 12:00
Mike Adam if you are being called to preach don't be deceived study the king James bible only please
All this information out there: Collapse of banking system, dissolved USA Inc.,return of Trump, Military control,etc., then why do the demoncrats still continue on? They know EVERYTHING. They know the posts that we post. They’ve looked at it all....why are they still there when they know their days are numbered? I just don’t get it
ICYMI: President-elect Joe Biden left Delaware Tuesday for Washington, DC, aboard a charter plane, rather than one of the government planes used in the military fleet for transporting the president. Hmmm...

President-elect Joe Biden left Delaware for Washington, DC aboard a charter plane, rather than a government plane.
www.breitbart.comRules for the, but not for me..
This is a picture of Biden not wearing a mask on federal property after issuing a mask mandate on federal property.
We are living in a f*cking joke right now!!
But the conservatives ain't going to do jack-squat!!
Because Trump is already telling your leaders "oh-don't worry the military will do something"....its the same thing that Q said!!
TRUMP IS LYING TO YOU!! And his officials give socalled "INFO" are nothing but Hope Porn Clips!
To everyone making nasty comments to @HealthRanger, just remember he didn’t have to do ANY of this for ANYONE. Mike invested his own TIME, ENERGY, MONEY - that he’ll never be able to get back into providing us with detailed, informative and consistent updates.
The fact is that you’re acting like an ungrateful SOB, using this platform on HIS dime. I dare you to go create your own - Brighteon took about 2.5 million so far. You got that pie? Then shut your pie hole.
You’ll owe him an apology soon.
I’ve been thinking about today’s situation update. Mike had info he could not share. But he said Lin is right about everything. Who did Lin say is still alive? Hint—he didn’t kill himself.
Shit. GAB just went down, and is acting a little quirky...