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AUSTRIA:World’s first nationwide lockdown for the unvaxxed approved:Two of the hardest-hit regions, Upper Austria and Salzburg, were the first to announce they would impose a lockdown on Monday.
Salzurg SOUND OF MUSIC City, Christmas Markets, a treasure of a destination, have spent several winters in the region. First skied there! Now to this?

Austria will impose new curbs on the unvaccinated starting from Monday. The measure aims to ease pressure on hospitals and ICUs.
WA House members who do not provide COVID shot papers have been locked out of Capitol campus buildings in Olympia.
We are being prevented from doing the the people's business--from representing our constituents--because of an "interim policy" that most of us never voted on.
The current Governor's unconstitutional behavior is having a corrosive effect on the other branches of government in Olympia!
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www.facebook.comRe: OH Great!!!! NOT!!!! Riverside University was given Grant to put Spike Protein into plants no refrigeration needed....
Something else to worry about. This was in the news today.

Researchers say if they're successful, the public could eat plant-based mRNA vaccines -- which could also survive at room temperature.
Study FindsMeet the most dangerous woman in America...

Former head of babykilling at Planned Parenthood Dr. Leana Wen ‘Don’t let the Unvaccinated travel’ “There are privileges associated with being an American — th…
CITIZEN FREE PRESSSURPRISE! Biden’s DARKEST SECRET Just Got Revealed…Goodby Middle Class, Hello Nightmare!
Schools in America now look like PRISON TRAINING CAMPS. This is terrifying psychological conditioning of children on a large-scale basis:

“What have we become?”
TwitterDoes any one watch Oak Island
It's done. Deep State collapses. The Best is coming NOW!

Full Credit to WE THE PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, [03.02.21 22:17] [Forwarded from Michael Dunn] The official announcement of martial law and a legitimate military government, in effect since 12:00 AM on January…
www.changeexchangehealth.comI built this AR in 9mm... JP rifle barrel, Hiperfire trigger, New Frontier upper and 80 lower, Hogue buttstock and grip in red lava, Spikes tac charging handle, Faxon bolt carrier group, KTI mag, 15” handguard, Blitzkreig hydraulic buffer... Painted in rose copper... I call her “Rosey”, Rosey hates commies... (Yes, I’ve since put a nice red dot on her)
CDC announces DOUBLE MASKS now required on all forms of public transportation in the USA beginning Monday, with CRIMINAL penalties for those who don't. And bandanas don't count, they say. DOUBLE masks!
Next it will be TRIPLE masks. The insanity never ends...
This creature is the new liason between the catholic church & the administraton on transgener & gender re-assigment issue`s............
EXCUSE ME!!! CHINA do what?

Beijing Biden Has Rescinded President Trump’s Executive Order Banning Chinese Involvement in Our Power Grid Countless reports and mountains of evidence tie Beijing Biden and his son, Hunter, to China. …
Conservatives Army