Situation Update, Oct 3, 2022 - Putin tells the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world
- Warning signs flashing over bank collapse in Europe
- Martin Armstrong warns all the pensions are insolvent
- Blinkin celebrates "huge opportunity" after Nord Stream sabotage
- Germany warns gas may run out this winter
- Why the war in Ukraine escalates to NUCLEAR conflict
- Putin is RIGHT about the West being run by antichrist demons
- The American empire PILLAGES the world and LIES to its own people
- The U.S. has used nuclear weapons against CIVILIAN targets
- Inflation hits 17% in The Netherlands
- Citrus crops devastated by Hurricane Ian
- Goldman Sachs warns about "deindustrialization" of Europe
- HIMARS artillery systems for Ukraine won't be built for YEARS
- Property insurers go bankrupt in Florida
@HealthRanger- another rat race if all of us not wake up!
source jump to time 52:00
also a military coup going to happen in US