Situation Update, Oct 4, 2022 - Russia deploys doomsday nuclear ocean drones as global economic MELTDOWN looms
- Russia deploys ultra fast mega-submarine with Posiedon super weapons
- They can detonate offshore, triggering radioactive tsunamis
- Panicked UN begs Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates
- Warns global economic meltdown will ensue unless price controls enacted
- German citizens panic buy electric space heaters all of a sudden
- Human psychology and why people PANIC in GROUPS (emotional contagion)
- New York to ban combustion engine vehicles, leading to transport collapse
- North Korea launches Mach 17 ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii
- Gas prices hit record high in California
- Featured interview with Dan from iAllegedly on finance and asset protection
@HealthRanger America wake up! time to realise that America has been, since its inception, milked and raped from the inside (ie natural and non-natural resources, its citizens) and outside-- more blatantly now! those who have talked like former marine Kenneth o'keene, for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney have their lives ruined....wake up America, don't let the greys defeat you! don't go to war with mother Russia, who just wants to protect its people.