time to realise that America has been, since its inception, milked & raped fr the inside (ie natural& non-natural resources, its citizens) & outside-- more blatantly now! those who have talked like fmr marine Kenneth o'keefe, fmr congresswoman Cynthia McKinney have their lives ruined....wake up America, don't let the greys defeat you! don't go to war with mother Russia, who just wants to protect its people.
forgive the title term- summarising those who are unjustly imprisoned Bec protecting their country & the Haavara Agreement (ie signed 25 Aug 1933). also about the group He--zbollah, Ha_mas & the group who does not want all money of America going to Israel!
also in this video at 11:22 interesting this Jew old lady would say "Get out in Palestine and go live in Poland, Germany or America." to her fellow Jew. even she knew the truth & caused her to lost her job.