- Christian
- Publisher
- Cattle Rancher
- OnTrendprenuer
- Looking for Opportunities
Christian, life long entrepreneur, cattle rancher & publisher and loving every minute of it!
Surely this isnt true coming from Telegram -
We Are Sovereign
People talking about the new CSRQ System
"Very sadly I think that Mike Adams is also controlled opposition. Me and several other people tried to make him aware of the CSRQ system and he is not replying. Comments get deleted almost instantly from brighteon.social related to CSRQ and if you comment on brighteon.com on videos and you mention CSRQ system with the link it will be pending approval and then denied."
- Truth Finder
We are working with high level operatives to expose the Financial Reset and plans to issue a one world currency and social credit monitoring software called CSRQ-SM.
orderofmen.wixsite.comThis post was not moderated, so this diatribe about Mike on Telegram is a lie