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Born 1967, raised on a farm off-grid, father of 2 ,ex Coast Guard,ex stock broker, retired, traveling nomad, Christian, lover, giver, and I just live life for the joy of it. I'm 110% pure Male, non-gmo, organic, and staying this way as God's creation. My ongoing and only investing opinion is buy physical silver. But first, Jesus.
Born 1967, raised on a farm off-grid, father of 2 ,ex Coast Guard,ex stock broker, retired, traveling nomad, Christian, lover, giver, and I just live life for the joy of it. I'm 110% pure Male, non-gmo, organic, and staying this way as God's creation. My ongoing and only investing opinion is buy physical silver. But first, Jesus.
Hello my friends. I firmly believe our country is in the state its in due to the fact that we are losing our empire. Point blank... get ready for third world living much worse than now. Physical silver, gold, guns, water, food. But first, as always, Jesus
Share this everywhere, and sign the Nuremburg letter. Attorney Thomas Renz reached out to me about this, and it's huge. I will have him on for a new interview soon to cover all this and more:
@HealthRanger ...... Magnificent ! TY. Praying
@HealthRanger Thank you for all you do! You will be blessed!
Tomorrow you are going to see HUGE breaking news about actual human blood cells under a microscope, being hit with covid vaccine material. You are going to see the blood cells LOSE their oxygen carrying capacity in less than 60 seconds...
Watch for the bombshell... giving you all a heads up. This is game-changer news... Watch both InfoWars at 11 am central and then Brighteon.TV at 2pm central. Seriously...
The Truth About Cancer event is being LIVE STREAMED today, all day Saturday and Sunday, at
@HealthRanger Nebulized hydrogen peroxide plus iodine, one of the most effective treatments according to Dr Mercola and Dr Brownstein:

@HealthRanger Been listening to you and reading your articles for years. Love your podcasts - I usually say the exact words you will say before you say them. :) Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you.
My spouse vaxxed my children without my knowledge or consent. I don't have much to live for any more but look forward to your content and the possibility I am wrong about the vax (unlikely) and the possibility to help other people.
@HealthRanger Terrific event, thanks for livestreaming it!

Knowledge of the antiseptic effects of hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) dates back to the late 19th century, and its mechanisms of action has been amply described. Globally, many physicians…
www.hindawi.comThis is a scientific journal of gargling hydrogen peroxide for curing covid. Youcandownload a pdf of the results which includes the methods used. It's very nice.
“I went from shock to anger. I guess there is no room for a true American Patriot in Joe Biden’s world. From Woke Generals running the Military to the National Endowment of the Arts, he wants to tear down the America we love. This is disgusting. Lee’s masterpiece ‘God Bless the USA’ has become a patriotic hymn behind only the National Anthem and God Bless America in importance to the soul of our great country.”
Biden is disgusting.

Joe Biden has fired Lee Greenwood from the National Endowment for the Arts. Greenwood released "God Bless the USA" as a single in 1984.
UncoverDCA veteran and true Patriot himself. I was blessed to see him live once.
He is a lovely soul @Patriot_PDkhov
OK, so I'm single. Dating is weirder now with everything going on. My question to my brighteon family is if, lol, a big iff, I end up in a relationship with one who has been vaxxed, is intimacy a bad idea ?
@wallsttiger Yes. Spike proteins will shed indefinitely & is present in body fluid if injected w/ an mRNA gene altering substance. This is my understanding.
I've beat up my body over the years, especially in the Coast Guard. 8 rt knee reconstructions and the rest I won't bore you with. Lol.
MMS, aka chlorine dioxide with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) has been a life saver for my aches and pains. No arthritis anywhere or pain. I feel like going for a run. has all the info you need on this incredible stuff. The govt is highly against this, so it must be good. It's cheap to make & been here since the 1800's.
God bless you all.
Get ready, folks. I just got off the phone with a high-level source in the GOP, connected to Trump himself. Arizona results coming out this week (for real, I'm told), gonna cascade a huge domino effect of election decertification over the next few months: Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Biden will lose the 270 electoral victory. Trump 100% plans to come back in, but it's not clear how that happens. Military martial law w/ paper ballot new elections are a possibility. Stay frosty...
I'm personally using MMS with benefits after the first night.
Quantum Leap on is a great documentary on MMS
Bolivia, as a country, approved it for use against covid.
MMS is pretty good stuff
Lots of info on
The Universal Antidote is a great documentary as well
The best antidote is to realize pathogenic viruses don’t exist. Just the propaganda pushing it
Works on inflammation.
Wonders for my arthritis.
Detoxifies the body.
Good stuff. And sanitizes
Better than any other.
Also takes care of nonexistent viruses
"Mike's videos are fantastic not just for preppers but everyone. Knowledge is power."
- @wallsttiger,
Exclusive how-to videos and podcasts to help you get prepared.
archives.prepwithmike.comHere's my presentation on "The Contagious Mind" at the Tulsa Health & Freedom event last weekend. This will blow your mind. Thoughts are contagious, and knowledge is contagious!
The National Anthem like you've never heard it! To get your blood pumping this morning. Better then coffee!! Have a great day!!
Daughter in law had covid (I told about that) from the nursing home she works.
I told her:
Quinine Tonic Water, mix it with juice, for taste,
Zinc supplement,
Vitamin D.
Three days later she was her perky self.
She went back to work, and started talking about it.
She told me this eve.....
Even told the director, so he searched it, the
nursing home started giving it to the elderly.
A week later went from 8, to 4 cases, and
everyone gets a supplement there now.
@Caish That’s great!!! Good for you snd good for her... and good for the director at that nursing home. As I was reading your story, I was worried that you were going to say the director fired her! (Announcing Effective cures has often been punished during all this).
As Mike Adams has said: if they had only distributed vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc (and Quercetin), all the other costly and deadly policies, such as lockdowns, would have been unnecessary).
But, the agenda was never to heal people
@Caish Callin' you 'Nurse Betty'. But seriously, there are cases of people going to jail for w/holding treatment that would save a life. This is FAR from over. Remember the Tobacco settlement? Small potatoes. This should shake the health industry up in a big way, for the better.
@Caish that is such a great story! And a non brain washed director is so unusual!
Amen!!! "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:33-34
So FOX's Tucker Carlson gets to disclose the "secret" Alien/UFO information piece by piece. Hmmm....Project Bluebeam? They are setting us up for FF.
@Buteo Fox News. We Decide. Those days are drawing to a close. Creating news and then covering it, has always been the most efficient way to do it. What if 'something' changes their up to now, flawless biz plan? One day soon they will be handed a new 'script', and they will have had no hand in it's creation. We'll then see how good 'news readers' they are. Not one of them are w/out sin. Some, will hang for their part in the treasonous plot to overturn the will of the people. Revenge is sweet.
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human Race
“The devil comes but to kill, steal and destroy.” ..... his agents here on earth line up victims for him as they deceive and intimidate many to line up for their demise .... like sheep led to the slaughter .......
My husband had a heart attack 3 wks ago. He is a heathy man who had a heart attack bc a blood clot went through his heart. Any advice? We wld like to use natual remedies instead of big pharma!
@Pandalilly smart meter emf s gave me an arrythmia 3 babyasparin 10 hawthorn berries ( mother of all heart herbs) Then a raw clove garlic and 1000 mg Crystal vit C those combined Raise N.O. (nitrous oxide) 100% Nitro glycerin is converted to N.O. which is a Dialator of vessels all the way to micro capillaries which end directly at cell wall. Lots of cinnamon with my oatmeal All these are blood pressure equalizers
@Pandalilly Eliminate all soy as its an endocrine disrupter BUT MOST IMPORTAINTLY Get rid of All Wi Fi dont keep cell phones in same room !!! hard wire computers from non wi fi modem And you cannot sleep in same side of the house that has that f in Smart meter They make cages for those and on the inside wall that has the meter you can put aluminum screening on the WHOLE WALL and run a copper ground outside
@Pandalilly cardamon, onion olive oil are all good for lowering/equal;izing blood pressure also