Situation Update, June 15, 2022 - The whole house of cards is COMING DOWN
- The Fed is about to bust out a 75 basis point rate increase (most likely)
- Debt markets are on the verge of a liquidity implosion, while #stocks will be hammered hard
- Ponzi-like elements of the #crypto ecosystem are collapsing with "bail-ins" and asset freezes (Celsius)
- #Bitcoin almost plunged below $20K
- Fiat currency printing continues into oblivion, and the #dollar will collapse to zero
@HealthRanger these are where hard-worked-wages tax gone too---unnecessary and not America first clearly. I wonder if this kind of actions is worse in down under?! we just filed our tax as a family june2022 & we are charged AU$3000+ after filling tax-retun, &another penalty almost $12k for not declaring last2 years. what to declare if we barely keep our work Bec of jabbed mandates. I lost mine and good thing hubby able to self-employ crazy..
source of photos and we know June 15, 2022 ep