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Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
=> WEF'ers & their Murder the World Population Reduction Plan has failed them .. The Truth is out there <=
Wait until the blood colors the ground red with all those who participated in all the Planned Disasters perpetuated against the people of this world by the Luciferian Pedophiles ..

Anthony Fauci knew COVID-19 vaccines were dangerous to humans and useless at preventing infection, according to a new paper released by the U.S. government.
News Punch'Kim Dotcom: Child Abuse of ‘Worst Kind’ On Hunter Biden Laptop, MSM ‘Aided and Abetted a Pedophile’
Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell contains child abuse images and video of the “worst kind“, according to Kim Dotcom who revealed a forensic analyst has to take “frequent breaks because of how disgusting the evidence is.“
Dotcom teamed up with Wikileaks and a DNC whistleblower he claims was Seth Rich to play a major role in ensuring Hillary Clinton...

Forensic analysts "disgusted" by evidence on laptop, says Dotcom
News Punch=> The Khazars who worship the serpents from the Babylonian Talmud place snake venom in both the SARS-COV-2 & mRNA's ..
Larry rat Fink CEO of Blackrock buys controlling interest of Pfizer BioWeapons company Pfizer to create mRNA genome attacking EUA drug which modify the hosts DNA to create cobra venom inside your own cells .. This is serpent majik by the sorcerers of the Babylonian Talmud ..

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink uses environmental, social, and corporate governance capitalism to spread identity politics into the private sector.
The Daily Signal=> IS THE NEWs MEDIA & THE => Foul-Chi <= FULL OF CRAP , YOU DECIDE <=
Ivermectin / HCQ wonder drugs .. Fights Cancer ..
=> B O M B S H E L L G L O B A L I S T P L A N O N U S I N G Q U A N T U M <=
=> C O M P U T E R S T O H A C K T H E B A N K S & T H E N C R Y P T O <=

How adjusting the blockchain ledger produces untold wealth for the world’s elites> Who are they who say YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & Be happy ? <=
The Khazars are REDESIGNING THE WORLD THROUGH KOMMUNISM / PEDOPHILIA / HOMOSEXUALITY & SLAVERY OF THE GOYIM .. The true agenda of Globalists , Destroy Christian Conservatism which they call "White Supremacy" ..
The entire Shanghai lockdown of nearly 26 million people is based entirely on FAKED "cases" via PCR diagnosis. This is really China weaponizing the locking down of its own people to prevent mass uprisings and simultaneously inflict more supply chain pain upon America by halting Shanghai port operations that are crucial for China's exports. It just demonstrates the extreme cruelty of communism, where the leaders will sacrifice their own people to damage a geopolitical enemy.
Tea Party Tea Party Command Center
Sen. Dick Durbin Opposes Tough Punishment for Child Pornographers
How can the democrat communists oppose this? It makes no sense. I can only conclude that these nasty communist politicans in Congress are sick...really, really sick people.
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Breaking — Greg Abbott announces plan to send charter buses full of illegals to DC…

Greg Abbott — “The Biden Administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they’re allowing to come across our border.” &nb…
This must be the most amazing and inspiring monologue I have ever heard. Life is short, cherish every single moment.
"vaccines make things worse. We were misled."
Great insight from 2 great doctors!
@arjayem I just saw your response after I posted the link and an additional short message. I always felt like he was very tuned to the reality of all that is happening in the world, then he posts this message. I don't believe Putin is evil. Maybe that's a wolf in sheep's clothing, but look how many decades have passed with no altercation, other than those provoked by the USA.
Please help me understand this message from Vigano? I was under the impression that Putin was bombing all of the globalist's money-laundering operations, black-ops facilities, and bio-weapons labs, in addition to knocking out the Neo-NAZIs. This comes at a price since they set up their operations in the middle of civilian areas, but the situation would've been much worse had the globalist's continued their operations. What are your thoughts? I'll post the link below.
Man works for Amazon for 7 years, suddenly he's not giving them his "honest services" so they seize his entire family's assets, including wife's retirement funds

A man who worked for Amazon for seven years lost every penny he and his wife had saved because he allegedly deprived Amazon of his "honest services," although Amazon never disclosed what that entails.…
www.naturalnews.com100 Seats, 100 Years
The more I post, the more I notice fewer people following me. Why is that? especially on Brighteon? Also, on Twitter, @ExposeAllEvil had nearly 2000 followers, now it is down to 850. That tells me demons are making a serious impact in the lives of the Godless and uneducated. DVoted2Christ was my other handle that is totally banned. I'm noticing I have less respect for people who still use Facebook and Twitter. I was censored for posting so I reposted this image:
'The British prime minister’s wife, who is pregnant with their second child said she was “feeling great” after having her second covid vaccine and is urging other pregnant women to get the jab
Said that she understood people’s anxieties but that the evidence was “reassuring” claiming that “
Mrs Johnson said nearly 200,000 pregnant women in the UK and US had now had a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine “

Boris Johnson's wife who is pregnant with their second child said she was “feeling great” after having her second covid vaccine & urges other pregnant women to get the jab.
News Punch