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Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
Normal White Christian Conservative Who Knows We are under attack by Khazarian mafia "imposter" Jews, Satanic Talmudic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, The Jesuit Order, Zionists, Nazis, Communists, The Illuminati, Luciferians, 33rd Degree Freemasons, and Eugenicists. They hide behind the iron curtain of Anti-Semitism, Manufactured Racism, Dumbed-Down Liberals, BLM, ANTIFA, Political Correctness. Programmed gatekeepers in the media are working in unison to the beat of Satan's drum. #HarryVoxSpeaksTheTruth
Tea Party Tea Party Command Center
Sen. Dick Durbin Opposes Tough Punishment for Child Pornographers
How can the democrat communists oppose this? It makes no sense. I can only conclude that these nasty communist politicans in Congress are sick...really, really sick people.
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@tim “people” a term used loosely....
@tim The only people who protect pedophiles are pedophiles themselves. That’s the only thing that makes sense. We now have one on the Supreme Court.
...and they don't seem to care that we know. Meanwhile, they are pushing to get us involved in war with Russia for many different reasons. It makes me wonder if we've been paying for the 1% all this time. We desperately need term limits in Congress and need to ensure they are not corrupt and accept bribes.
The more I post, the more I notice fewer people following me. Why is that? especially on Brighteon? Also, on Twitter, @ExposeAllEvil had nearly 2000 followers, now it is down to 850. That tells me demons are making a serious impact in the lives of the Godless and uneducated. DVoted2Christ was my other handle that is totally banned. I'm noticing I have less respect for people who still use Facebook and Twitter. I was censored for posting so I reposted this image:
It must've confused the bots because it's still up.
This is what Biden meant when he said “America is back” and this is what the loudest BLM advocates voted for!!
Therefore black lives don't matter at all!
Not like we already knew BLM was a government controlled movement!
@ZGoldenReport I'm working on my opening for a new website Covert Mass Genocide. I have lots already written in Notepad but need to put it on the site. Wanted to make sure it had a captivating opening header. I'm not done. I have an image that will make it even better but I'm trying to find it.
I welcome all forms of cancer because I want out of this world. I know President Trump and Qanon are on a mission to destroy the Deep State but just how far up the pyramid do they intend on going?
I've watched the evil in the world grow for 37 years. They are building a prison planet that we will have no escape from if we go cashless.
It all makes me sick to my stomach, literally, I feel sick right now. I want no part of it. WHY HAVE THESE CRIMINALS NOT BEEN ARRESTED YET?
It's not over yet, this is just the beginning...I have faith in the light. These sociopaths are not going to win, as a matter of fact, there will be an implosion of them all for the world to see, just wait a little bit......
I have a buddy in Christ, he was shooting up in L.A. with his brother and he overdosed, went into a coma couldn't move his lips .. but thought a prayer .. save me and I'm yours for life. He takes people off the street he told me there are more angels on earth today than ever before, they are all around us.
Evil never wins in the end. Angels are close.Ask & you can have them minister to you. Miracles happen all the time.