Together, with your help, we can keep the Brighteon family of sites operating, innovating and fighting against online censorship. Any amount you can spare makes a difference.

Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance.
I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between.
Wow, this is a really good conversation between Mike Adams, The Health Ranger of Natural News and founder of Brighteon, and Seth Holehouse, of Man In America.
I highly encourage courage ALL to listen to this one! Great, great info!
Ana Maria
Tonight I interviewed Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. He's also the author of, "Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health."
Dr. Ladapo is an extraordinary individual with a highly effective roadmap for helping people heal and discover their greatest purpose in life. You are going to LOVE this interview! (It's in the Situation Update podcast that goes live Tuesday morning).
Here's a link to Dr. Ladapo's book on Amazon:
@HealthRanger Downloaded the Kindle version just now. It looks like just the kind of book that I feel compelled to read. Nice intro story on Amazon.
@HealthRanger We all may have to move to FL soon.
This article was kind of uplifting:

A few months ago, Professor Fernando López-Mirones paid tribute on his Telegram channel to the unvaccinated who have held out despite the pressures put on them to “get vaccinated.” He ca…
The ExposeWomanhood is NOT a costume. I agree with this young woman 100%.
I find it deeply offensive and grevious that real women, real womanhood, real motherhood, and what all of these things truly mean, are being ERASED, in favor of a perversion of reality.
This DISHONORS AND DISGRACES women and the Divine Feminine. This does NOT help women.
I see this massive transgender / transhumanism push to be part of a very real divide / conquer / control / and depopulate agenda. The globalists want us DEAD. Wake up, folks.
With love,
Ana Maria
@MagnificentMultiverse agree!!!!
It is deeply disturbing that biological males are "mansplaning" to women what girlhood is.
This grieves me to the core. This does NOT honor the Divine Feminine. It is a huge slap in the face to Divine Mother, and all that is Sacred Feminine.
I agree with this beautiful woman 100%.
With Love,
Ana Maria
Mad props to Blaire White. I really appreciate hearing Blaire's intelligent, level headed, honest take. I especially appreciate such an honest acknowledgement of the difference between trans-women, and the girlhood and womanhood of natural-born women.
As a natural-born woman, I have found it deeply offensive and heart-wrenching that persons born biological males have the audacity to insist that they are, in fact, real women with real yoni's, and that they know what real girlhood and womanhood is.
It comes across to me as though social-engineering is presently underway to erase women and all that is Sacred, Divine Feminine from the face of Planet Earth. This has got to STOP.
Blaire's honesty inspires genuine respect in me, and has given me powerful encouragement.
With Love,
Ana Maria
I call it vagina envy. They know they are lying to themselves, that’s why they become so unhinged when the least little thing is said that doesn’t fit their narrative.
One dude that really pisses me off is that boxer. Have read a few articles about him but don’t know his name. He boxes women He even says he loves beating up women! I think really big bad heterosexual boxer should say he identifies as a woman, go into the ring and kick the ever lovin shit out of that bastard!
I invite you to awaken, and prepare immediately.
With Love,
Ana Maria
Welcome to Mary’s Nest Cooking School
Do you want to be a Modern Pioneer in the Kitchen and be part of the Traditional Foods Movement?
If so, you’ve found a home!
Through detailed VIDEO tutorials, I’ll teach you how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods, including Bone Broths, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Bread, and More!
I’m Mary, and I’m so glad your here!!
I’m a former New York City Girl now a Modern Pioneer Living the simple life with my sweet husband here in the Texas Hill Country. And I’ve been a Modern Pioneer in the Kitchen making Traditional Foods for over 20 years.
So whether your kitchen is in a city apartment, a house in the suburbs, or on a farm in the country…come join me on this Traditional Foods journey as we create Nutrient Rich Meals that nourish our family, our friends—and ourselves!

Mary's Nest Cooking School shares Easy Recipes using Traditional Foods for making Delicious and Affordable Meals.
Mary's NestTogether we’ll be Modern Pioneers in the Kitchen no matter what the century or where we call home!
What you’ll Find Here
I’ll be covering How to Cook from Scratch, including making Traditional Real Foods using Seasonal Ingredients, including how to preserve the best of the harvest.
My Simple How-To Video Lessons Include:
Mastering the Basics:
• Making Bone Broths
• Culturing Dairy
• Fermenting Vegetables
• Making Sourdough Starter and Sourdough Bread
• Soaking and Sprouting Grains
• And More!
And once you “Master the Basics”…
There are lots of videos covering topics including:
• Easy Recipes featuring Traditional Real Foods
• Advice on How to Shop
• Tips on How to Best Stock Your Pantry
• Food Prep Short-Cuts
• Time-Saving Kitchen Tips & Tricks
• How to Make Tinctures and Tisanes
• How to Make Natural and Herbal Remedies
• And More!!
Cooking Traditional Real Foods from Scratch is Easier and Less Expensive than you Think
All of this information will get you started on the path to creating Easy Traditional Real Food Meals that will be Flavorful and Delicious, as well as Appealing to the Eye. You’ll cook and eat foods that are Familiar, Affordable, Budget-Friendly, and Free of Additives that your friends and family will love.
A Blessing of the Simple Art of Homemaking and Natural Living
My wonderful mother, who is in her 90s now, took complete delight in being a homemaker and perfecting the art of homemaking—the domestic arts—especially those that revolved around kitchen life. She cooked real food, in season, and made everything homemade from scratch.
She kept her pantry well-stocked so as to never run out of food and to always be prepared during hard times or bad weather. My mom always had a garden, including a huge herb garden that provided her with the raw materials for creating a plethora of natural remedies for coughs, colds, the flu, and a myriad of other ailments.
I invite you to explore Mary's Nest on YouTube for wonderful, free video tutorials on how to make traditional, nutrient dense foods! She is amazing! Enjoy!
With Love,
Ana Maria
I invite you to explore the following site where you can learn about and buy Earthboxes. They are a really cool self-watering system to grow food at home.

Best boxes for gardening developed by commercial farmers. Great for all types of container gardening plants. Self-watering. 100% satisfaction guarantee.
earthbox.comThis is an excellent interview by Seth Holehouse, host of Man in America, with Aaron Brickman. They took this conversation very deep, and lead up to and closed on a note of strength, courage, and hope--very powerful and informative. I highly recommend it:
"Is the Worst Market Crash in History Just Weeks Away? - Aaron Brickman Interview"

PREMIERING AT 2:40PM ET: Interview with Aaron Brickman. 👉🏻Today’s show is brought to you by Rise TV, where it’s our mission to awaken, uplift, and unite America—one show at a time. Get your free trial
rumble.comI invite you to hear this important and relevant interview Mike Adams, The Health Ranger of Natural News and Brighteon, shared with war correspondant, Michael Yon, on September 24th, 2022.
"Michael Yon tells Mike Adams that Western Europe is DESTROYING itself with "green" energy policies"
OMG! I invite you to listen to what this woman says! She literally lays it out so straightforwardly and simply in a way I have never heard before! I've heard many parts of all of this in different ways from different angles. She ties it all together in less than 3 minutes!
This is a must listen! This is exactly what is happening! This is what everyone in the informed world are figuring out, and what the WEF have been spouting sonnets to this whole time!

twitter.comIt's about transhumanism, and the injections.
We're On The EDGE of a Financial CLIFF | Nick Barisheff
Liberty and Finance: 7-28-2022
"We're seeing markets rolling over, but this is just the beginning, says Nick Barisheff, CEO Of BMG Group. 'This is not going to be a dip. This is going to be a collapse.'"
We appear to be heading into a depression and collapse unlike anything we've ever seen in our recorded history.
I urge you to consider stocking up on 2 plus years worth of nutritious, long term storable food and supplies.
I urge you to consider becoming self-sufficient with water, as much as possible, by investing in a rain barrel water catchment system, as well as a Berkey gravity water filtration system--both of which can provide you and your family with clean water for drinking and food preparation, without any electricity.
I urge you to consider becoming self-sufficient with growing your own food, as much as possible, by exploring solutions such as: The Grow System by Marjorie Wildcraft, which involves egg laying hens, raised garden beds, and having a rabbitry.
If your home owners association will not allow chickens, they likely do not have anything in their rules about a rabbitry. Rabbits can be considered pets. You don't have to announce to anyone you are raising them for food. Also, they are very quiet.
Here is a website for a big commercial rabbitry providing information for raising meat rabbits at home:

Welcome to our treasure trove of rabbit information! Rabbit Name List, Record Keeping, Selecting Quality Stock, Tattooing, Breeding, Showing Rabbits, Nest Box Info, Growing Fodder, and Rabbit Recipes!
bharabbitry.weebly.comOther helpful resources:
Resilient Prepping Free Audio Book and PDF
Survival Nutrition Free Audio Book and PDF
I see the July 25th, 2022 New York Times article suggesting the normalization of cannibalism to be a big wake up call and a massive warning sign that if we are not self-sufficient for the basics of life--water, food, shelter, etc, the time is NOW to move in that direction.
On July 25, 2022, The New York Times published an essay by Alex Beggs titled:
"A Taste for Cannibalism?"
"A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another."
"Turns out, cannibalism has a time and a place. In the pages of some recent stomach-churning books, and on television and film screens, Ms. Summers and others suggest that that time is now."
I've read the entire article. It comes across as an attempt to encourage the normalization and acceptance of cannibalism in the collective consciousness.
An interesting question to consider is: Why?

A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another.
The New York TimesOver the past year, an alarming number of food processing plants have been systematically destroyed all over the United States, and in other countries.
C02 has been attacked by the "Greenies" for several decades, even though C02 is required to grow plants and trees, and it makes the Earth green.
Nitrogen is now being attacked as a harmful pollutant in some places in the world, even though nitrogen, also, is required to grow healthy plants and crops.
Entire herds of Cattle are mysteriously keeling over and dying all at once--something that does not usually happen.
Due to an inability to properly feed herds, cattle ranchers in some places of our country are being forced to liquidate up to 80% of herds, which means there will be an influx of affordable meat for a while, but then potentially, major shortages and extremely high prices to follow.
Fossil fuels are being attacked, even though they are required for farming, transportation, electricity, etc.
We face a country-wide diesel engine oil shortage due to supply chain issues over the past few years for additives required to make the diesel engine oil. Diesel engines are required for farming, trains, long-haul trucks, boats, fire-trucks, ambulences, etc. We could see many diesel engine vehicles taken offline--by October or November of 2022.
Fertilizer has become so expensive for many farmers that they have not been able to afford to grow crops.
Inflation is running away with insane printing and spending sprees--still happening.
The United States petro-dollar is presently being deplatformed as the world global reserve currency, which is good for the world, but adversely affects buying power for Americans.
And on and on.
We've been spoiled. We have taken many things for granted for our whole lives.
Our modern way of life is very complex and interdependent upon many factors successfully working in concert together. When one little factor is thrown out of balance, the functionality of the entire system can collapse.
The recent Pandemic lockdowns and supply chain interruptions are proving to have devastating consequences for the sustainability of our modern way of life.
You know it's time to start growing your own food when The New York Times begins pushing to normalize cannibalism:

Cannibalism “has a time and a place,” according to a recent New York Times piece that was blasted for “normalizing” human consumption.
www.breitbart.comThis is a good, upbeat, encouraging Situation Update from Mike Adam's for the 4th of July, 2022.
Happy True Freedom to us all!
This is a good, free webinar from Marjorie Wildcraft on how to grow / produce your own food with egg laying hens, a garden, and a rabbitry.
I recently bought her book: The Grow System.
I highly recommend her information!
Mike Adams' Situation Update is now Citizens Log - May 9, 2022 - A time capsule message for the survivors of the WAR
The Situation Update podcast, which has produced 5-6 episodes per week since November 4th, 2020 (the day after the election was stolen) is now Citizens’ Log, “A time capsule message from the present to the future survivors of the war.”
Each episode will continue to cover each day’s observations about the total collapse of Western civilization that is being engineered — and the globalist war against the human race — but now it will be presented in the context of history for those survivors who may be listening in the future. Perhaps they will be curious how human civilization committed suicide in the name of “progress.”
Here is a link to the Mercury in Retrograde calendar for this year, along with helpful information about it:
Mercury in Retrograde is considered to affect communication and travel. It is a good time for more patience, forgiveness, grace, and love--for ourselves and others. ♡
2021 Mercury Retrograde Calendar: Mercury Retrograde Pre-shadow, Station, Direct Station and Post-shadow, Examples