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the last message is worth listening to Rev 21:4 KJV
jump to 44:50 time- i had to listen twice and catch her talkmabout not testing any of the pfizer juice-- I also thought all juices are not tested even those on schedule-- it is just ny the grace of God that all people who took any juice at their lifetime is still alive- albeit not healthy but alive- like me juice injured 2019- flux and dTap from my HC industry.
5-day event our farmers another Aussies standing up !very bad Weather does not stopped our warriors. ! sorry don't haven live feed except this farcebuk
Attorney Thomas Renz has just filed a BILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT against Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance), claiming they are responsible for the injury and death of plaintiffs, "due to their creation and subsequent release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Laboratories in China."
I will be covering this is detail in tomorrow's podcast, and will also be interviewing Thomas Renz by phone this weekend, with that interview to be released Sunday or Monday:
time to realise that America has been, since its inception, milked & raped fr the inside (ie natural& non-natural resources, its citizens) & outside-- more blatantly now! those who have talked like fmr marine Kenneth o'keefe, fmr congresswoman Cynthia McKinney have their lives ruined....wake up America, don't let the greys defeat you! don't go to war with mother Russia, who just wants to protect its people.
forgive the title term- summarising those who are unjustly imprisoned Bec protecting their country & the Haavara Agreement (ie signed 25 Aug 1933). also about the group He--zbollah, Ha_mas & the group who does not want all money of America going to Israel!
also in this video at 11:22 interesting this Jew old lady would say "Get out in Palestine and go live in Poland, Germany or America." to her fellow Jew. even she knew the truth & caused her to lost her job.
Situation Update, Oct 4, 2022 - Russia deploys doomsday nuclear ocean drones as global economic MELTDOWN looms
- Russia deploys ultra fast mega-submarine with Posiedon super weapons
- They can detonate offshore, triggering radioactive tsunamis
- Panicked UN begs Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates
- Warns global economic meltdown will ensue unless price controls enacted
- German citizens panic buy electric space heaters all of a sudden
- Human psychology and why people PANIC in GROUPS (emotional contagion)
- New York to ban combustion engine vehicles, leading to transport collapse
- North Korea launches Mach 17 ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii
- Gas prices hit record high in California
- Featured interview with Dan from iAllegedly on finance and asset protection
@HealthRanger America wake up! time to realise that America has been, since its inception, milked and raped from the inside (ie natural and non-natural resources, its citizens) and outside-- more blatantly now! those who have talked like former marine Kenneth o'keene, for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney have their lives ruined....wake up America, don't let the greys defeat you! don't go to war with mother Russia, who just wants to protect its people.
Situation Update, Oct 3, 2022 - Putin tells the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world
- Warning signs flashing over bank collapse in Europe
- Martin Armstrong warns all the pensions are insolvent
- Blinkin celebrates "huge opportunity" after Nord Stream sabotage
- Germany warns gas may run out this winter
- Why the war in Ukraine escalates to NUCLEAR conflict
- Putin is RIGHT about the West being run by antichrist demons
- The American empire PILLAGES the world and LIES to its own people
- The U.S. has used nuclear weapons against CIVILIAN targets
- Inflation hits 17% in The Netherlands
- Citrus crops devastated by Hurricane Ian
- Goldman Sachs warns about "deindustrialization" of Europe
- HIMARS artillery systems for Ukraine won't be built for YEARS
- Property insurers go bankrupt in Florida
@HealthRanger- another rat race if all of us not wake up!
source jump to time 52:00
also a military coup going to happen in US
another rat race if all of us not wake up!
source jump to time 52:00
also a military coup going to happen in US
Jump to 10:35 time. weird manifestations of those who took the death shots having stroke-males and seizures- female...these people before they die somehow is terrified of something they see (ie hallucinations or something g to do with CERN/ CLIC)?
transpocalypse brought miseries to families esp the detransitioning children, teens and adukts- jump above video time- 41:44
Look here..who is the most racist of all! doesn't accept refugees and even do DNA Testing before admitting into their country!
Situation Update, June 15, 2022 - The whole house of cards is COMING DOWN
- The Fed is about to bust out a 75 basis point rate increase (most likely)
- Debt markets are on the verge of a liquidity implosion, while #stocks will be hammered hard
- Ponzi-like elements of the #crypto ecosystem are collapsing with "bail-ins" and asset freezes (Celsius)
- #Bitcoin almost plunged below $20K
- Fiat currency printing continues into oblivion, and the #dollar will collapse to zero
@HealthRanger these are where hard-worked-wages tax gone too---unnecessary and not America first clearly. I wonder if this kind of actions is worse in down under?! we just filed our tax as a family june2022 & we are charged AU$3000+ after filling tax-retun, &another penalty almost $12k for not declaring last2 years. what to declare if we barely keep our work Bec of jabbed mandates. I lost mine and good thing hubby able to self-employ crazy..
source of photos and we know June 15, 2022 ep
@Bernielocsin hemp milk or any cannabis sourced as food not smoke. but eat it. to protect your cell at chromosomal level while having duty at hospital
GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year

This is a red alert for humanity. We have less time remaining than you might think. I've done some rough math, and it's beyond alarming. It spells the end of human civilization if we don't stop the…
www.naturalnews.comUpdateAustralia: Matthew 24. Below KJV 1611. Be guided by this chapter fr the holy bible as we navigate 2022 & the future. all the answers are in the holy bible, read & seek Our Father, for He will answer you. thinking of reading this chapter from now to keep me reasonable, sane while listening to news..moronic behaviour become habits are developed everyday by those around us... too much predictive programming fr all media, Russian Yuri B. called it demoralising, and we call it brainwashing...
UpdateAustralia: Matthew 24. Below KJV 1611. Be guided by this chapter fr the holy bible as we navigate 2022 & the future. all the answers are in the holy bible, read & seek Our Father, for He will answer you. thinking of reading this chapter from now to keep me reasonable, sane while listening to news..moronic behaviour become habits are developed everyday by those around us... too much predictive programming fr all media, Russian Yuri B. called it demoralising, and we call it brainwashing...
ACROSS New Zealand & AUSTRALIA! ---ATTAchED ; Anzac Stands EVERY DAY - Information Pack - only 2 attached; from a zip file in this link💥Download, Save, Print and Share. Please find attached - If U live a distance away fr Ur Governor
then U stand outside Ur nearest council chamber in support of all those standing at the Governors EVERY DAY EVERY DAY 11AM TO 1PM.
Meet the OSHA Whistleblowers Who Are Defeating Joe Biden’s Illegal Vaccine Mandate!
U̶n̶c̶e̶n̶s̶o̶r̶e̶d̶ Coverage:
Christmas Super Sale:
@AlexJonesACROSS New Zealand & AUSTRALIA! ---ATTAchED ; Anzac Stands EVERY DAY - Information Pack - only 2 attached; from a zip file in this link💥Download, Save, Print and Share. Please find attached - If U live a distance away fr Ur Governor
then U stand outside Ur nearest council chamber in support of all those standing at the Governors EVERY DAY EVERY DAY 11AM TO 1PM.
@HealthRanger ACROSS New Zealand & AUSTRALIA! ---ATTAchED ; Anzac Stands EVERY DAY - Information Pack - only 2 attached; from a zip file in this link💥Download, Save, Print and Share. Please find attached - If U live a distance away fr Ur Governor
then U stand outside Ur nearest council chamber in support of all those standing at the Governors EVERY DAY EVERY DAY 11AM TO 1PM. The Code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian legal text created nearly 4,000 years ago between 1755 and 1750 BCE, was ahead of its time for most instances.
Besides having laws addressing subjects such as property rights, divorce, and the prohibition of incest, it also mandated minimum wage. It was written nearly 2000 years before the New Testament.
Join @electricbeings789
The Parliamentary Joint Committee Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia has not been released, why? what's the hold up? and why hasn't my submission to the inquiry been published on the website gaybo's?!!!